MET currently provides rural communities in Texas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wyoming with employment training, family services and activities through a network of service centers.
Interested families should call their local Head Start or Early Head Start center in their respective community.
If you have questions regarding enrollment or need help locating the nearest center to your family, please call: (281)-659-1305
Head Start: Jennifer Steele, ext. 23
Early Head Start and CCP: Cynthia Resendiz, ext 34
You may also use the link below:
Additional Resources
Request for Proposal
Request for Proposal for Program Nurse
annual report
community assessment update

MET currently provides rural communities in Texas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Kentucky with employment training, family services and activities through a network of service centers.
Our mission is to empower and inspire rural and other populations in need through motivation, education, and training.
Our vision is to be the best agency that enables rural and other populations in need to become successful, independent contributors to their communities.
MET Annual Report
Reaffirming our mission in challenging times
According to the National Council of Nonprofits, "A Strategic Planning Process identifies strategies so that a nonprofit will achieve its mission. Ideally as staff and board engage in the process, they become committed to measurable goals, approve priorities for implementation, and also commit to revisiting the organization's strategies on an ongoing basis as the organization's internal and external environment change." Having a Strategic Plan is critical to driving MET's mission.
The Board of Directors and Executive Team at MET conducted a two-day strategic planning session and drafted a strategic plan with an attitude of hopeful practicality. Our positivity is mirrored in aspirations for the agency's future, but reality requires that we contemplate how MET might shift to meet future challenges. Reaching our goals to improve the MET experience and maintain our position as a leader and innovator in non-profit programming requires a commitment to human capital and fiscal responsibility.
Using the miracle question and visioning exercise, MET participants agreed on the following 5-year goals:
To expand and diversify sources of funding
To attract, develop and retain a capable workforce
To expand scope and quality of programs that impact families in all aspects of their lives
We will evaluate the success of these strategic initiatives at the end of each fiscal year. These goals allow us to be dedicated to our values and devoted to our mission.

Motivation Education & Training, Inc. (MET) is a private non-profit corporation that began serving rural areas of southeast Texas in 1967. The agency is community oriented and supports an agenda of action that leads to self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, and commitment to furthering individual social and economic progress through education, training and other appropriate activities. MET operates statewide in Texas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Kentucky providing a range of human services that primarily focus on career development and educational achievement.
The organization is funded by a variety of federal, state and local grants, including U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Family Assistance, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Senior Service America, Inc., and the State of Texas. Since its founding, MET has provided over 93,688 farmworkers with opportunities for employment and training and provided over 173,992 farmworkers with emergency and other supportive services, which includes a myriad of housing services. While serving farmworkers is a cornerstone of the agency’s mission, MET’s scope also includes initiatives that target disadvantaged populations. MET’s Senior Community Service Employment Program helps to ensure over 500 older Americans have access to work-based job training services in both Texas and Minnesota.
MET is dedicated to the promotion of child and family well-being throughout the community in which the organization operates. The agency is specifically charged with providing comprehensive child and family development services for over 1,600 infants, toddlers, preschool age children, and their families, our team of experienced professionals has committed themselves to become a force that effects positive change on a regional level. While our scope is broad, MET’s focus remains on the individual child and the delivery of high-quality services that support the entire family unit.
Head Start, Early Head Start, and Early Learning Centers, are designed to extend the advantages of appropriate cognitive, social and physical development to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers who might otherwise enter, Kindergarten and elementary school unprepared to successfully meet the challenges of educational achievement. MET Fatherhood Program works alongside our Head Start program promoting family stability, strengthening positive child engagement, and working to increase the economic stability of fathers participating in the program.
The implementation of home visiting services is part of MET’s comprehensive and coordinated effort to help good people become great parents. Primarily funded through the Texas Health and Human Services Commission; Texas Home Visiting, Project-HOPES, Service Members, Veterans, & Families, and Head Start Home Based Services matches families with a trained home visitor who works directly with pregnant women, expectant fathers, and parents of children under the age of five. Access to home visiting services helps to improve prenatal care, decrease preterm labor, improve child nutrition, decrease verified incidents of child abuse and neglect, and provide inclusive school-readiness services.
The culture of the organization is embedded in its name: Motivation, Education, & Training